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Talk:Équivalents en français

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

I think I see where you are headed with this and it's a good idea. Maybe you could offer some explanation of the objectives here so others can at least contribute ideas. I suspect there are very few french speaking finiki editors so this might be your labour of love, although I'll help where I can. Would anything in MediaWiki's Content translation help? Are there other MediaWiki/Wikipedia tools or options that would help? Another alternative if I understand the objective would be to just create redirects from the French article titles to the English articles. --Peculiar Investor 08:30, 10 December 2016 (MST)

I agree this is a good idea. During the 2016 Bogleheads Conference, I met several members who are native Spanish speakers. They expressed an interest to create wiki pages in Spanish, but there has not been any progress on this point.
MediaWiki's Content translation tool may have some automatic language translation ability, but the focus of the effort is to place the burden of the translation on the editor. Human interaction is (currently) the only translation method that can be trusted.
The Bogleheads' wiki has an Abbreviations and Acronyms page. To help readers, this page is an important link at the top of the left sidebar. I think "Équivalents en Français" could be of similar importance.
Can this page be moved to the main namespace (go "live") and then start a discussion topic in the forum for feedback?
--LadyGeek 11:14, 10 December 2016 (MST)
Translating the whole wiki properly would take way too long. And then there would be two pages to edit every time, one in English, one in French. This is a possible retirement project, not something I am contemplating at the moment. My much more modest effort is just this table for now. The reader knows a financial concept in French, and wants to read about it in finiki: this is his entry point. Or he's reading something about ETFs in the Globe and Mail and wants to make sure they are the same thing he's been hearing about in Les Affaires: he looks ETF up in the table and sees that the French equivalent is indeed FNB. --Quebec 11:18, 10 December 2016 (MST)
Looking at the English column of the table, are any important terms missing? Thanks --Quebec 16:06, 10 December 2016 (MST)
I can think of:
  • Assets under management (Actif sous gestion) (?)
  • Annual Percentage Rate (taux annuel en pourcentage), but I could not find a related finiki article.
  • Bond coupon (Coupon obligataire)
  • Bond yield (Rendement obligataire)
  • Certificate of Deposit (Certificat de Dépôt), but is for the US. Guaranteed Investment Certificate applies in Canada.
  • Rent as it applies to real estate. (location)
  • Stock exchange (la bourse)
--LadyGeek 19:17, 10 December 2016 (MST)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Circling back to my comments above, would create french language redirects to the english articles meet the objectives? There are ~200 articles on finiki, so the table of articles would become large and hard to maintain as new articles are created. --Peculiar Investor 22:54, 10 December 2016 (MST)

The table already has 122 entries, before LadyGeek's ideas of additions. So it is already large. It could be split by letters (A-C, D-F, etc.) but that would make it unsortable in both languages. Maintenance can be done once a year maybe, it is not a big deal if there is a lag (given that the current situation is: no content in French!). To help with maintenance, it is possible to automatically compile a list of articles that are less than one or two years old? Redirects: that would work for finiki's articles, but the table has about 25 basic terms such as 'money', 'bank' and 'retirement' that are not finiki articles. Also, with redirects, you have to know exactly which term you are looking for (in at least one language) and enter it in the search box, whereas with the table everything is there already (although not in an elegant format). So maybe we can do both the table and redirects?--Quebec 05:15, 11 December 2016 (MST)
So essentially this becomes for the most part the translated glossary? Plus we add strategic redirects of french equivalent terms. That makes some sense to extend the reach of finiki to bilingual readers. Perhaps the page intro should be expanded to further described objective of the page, as I just wasn't sure of the objective. --Peculiar Investor 06:03, 11 December 2016 (MST)
Our current glossary is more a list of acronyms, with only some of terms explained, than a complete glossary. And terms like OSFI are not important to the beginning investor. --Quebec 06:45, 11 December 2016 (MST)
I think the objective is to create a French language version of finiki, not to provide a complete French to English compendium of investing terms - which are easily found elsewhere. Several of my suggested additions can be removed. (My apologies for "rookie" French language mistakes. It has been several years since I was immersed in French. J'ai oublie...)
I also think that the current glossary (list of acronyms) is mostly complete and is a very good starting point. There will always be further editing, but I think the basic framework is established and this page can be promoted.
Wikipedia provides guidance regarding redirects. See: French_names
--LadyGeek 11:09, 11 December 2016 (MST)
"I think the objective is to create a French language version of finiki" - oh no. Simple index portfolios has 4000 words, and finiki has 200 articles. Oh no! --Quebec 11:56, 11 December 2016 (MST)

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Let me rephrase the objective from a different perspective, as my intention was not stated correctly. I think the objective is to provide a link to existing English finiki articles for which there exists a French language name. --LadyGeek 12:47, 11 December 2016 (MST)

Reader feedback: Possibly a typo: Ratio des f... posted this comment on 12 December 2016 (view all feedback).

Possibly a typo: Ratio des frais de gerstion (RFG)

Any thoughts?

Peculiar Investor 10:58, 12 December 2016 (MST)

Fixed.--Quebec 12:22, 12 December 2016 (MST)


The introduction is not clear, as I interpret the meaning as "Click on the double triangle to resort the table in the other language". Would it be more clear to rephrase the introduction as:"Cliquez sur le double triangle pour retrier le tableau dans la langue de votre choix."? --LadyGeek 18:12, 12 December 2016 (MST)

That works too, I will make the change.--Quebec 05:33, 13 December 2016 (MST)

No accents for acronyms in French

I removed the accents in the acronyms in French. Accents are not used in government publications about TFSAs, RESPs, RRSPs, etc, and we should aim to be consistent with these sources. See for example Le compte d'épargne libre d'impôt (CELI), Régime enregistré d'épargne-retraite (REER), Régime enregistré d'épargne-études (REEE), Subvention canadienne pour l’épargne-études (SCEE).--Quebec 06:09, 7 January 2017 (MST)