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CPP and QPP calculator

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

The CPP and QPP calculator is an easy-to use spreadsheet to estimate Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP) pension amounts.

How to use

You must provide your birth year and month, your province (to select between CPP and QPP), and fill in your pensionable earnings record. The spreadsheet automatically estimates your CPP or QPP monthly pension at the selected start age. Start ages range from 60 to 70.

The Birth month, the Province, and the Start age are conveniently selected using a drop-down control.

The spreadsheet allows to evaluate the impact of retiring at various ages by entering anticipated future pensionable earnings between now and the start of pension payments.

The estimated pension amount is expressed in inflation-adjusted dollars (except when the start year is in the past).

Download location

The latest CPP-QPP spreadsheet (version 2.3) comes in three versions:

Google Docs (Sheets)

This version can be used online.

Read the following instructions before clicking on the link!

  1. Click on the link below.
  2. Sign into your Google account (if not already signed in).
  3. Make a copy of the file as follows: File -> Make a copy...
  4. The copy is yours to modify.

Microsoft Office (Excel)

LibreOffice (Calc)


CPP and QPP Calculator spreadsheet


The spreadsheet has some limitations:

  • It doesn't handle child rearing dropout provisions, disability dropout provisions, and post retirement benefits.
  • It doesn't work for people born before 1948.
  • The start age has an annual granularity. It isn't possible to select "age 60 and 3 months".
  • It doesn't yet implement 2024 QPP changes. [1]

Support and Development

Support for this spreadsheet and discussions about further development are held in Financial Wisdom Forum topic: "CPP and QPP Calculator".

See also

Further reading


External links