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finiki:Financial Webring

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki
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The Do-It-Yourself Financial Webring was an informal group of websites which promoted individual financial education and empowerment. It was implemented as a Do-It-Yourself Financial Webring navigation banner that member sites displayed, which provided navigation forward and backwards around the webring.

The Do-It-Yourself Financial Webring navigation banner

When the Financial Webring Forum was launched in February 2005, the site owners sought out similar minded websites to create this informal group to promote individual financial education. Eight years is a long time in the Internet era and the webring concept had clearly become dated. Therefore the Do-It-Yourself Financial Webring navigation banner was shutdown on December 15, 2013.

Although the Do-It-Yourself Financial Webring navigation banner is now gone, there are still many useful sites that promote financial education. A helpful list of resources can be found in Investor education.

See also