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Resources and links

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

The editors of finiki would like to be able to claim that all financial knowledge from a Canadian perspective can be found here. The reality is of course much different. The following sections provide a list of external resources that might be of interest to Canadian investors.

You might also want to check Financial Wisdom Forum • Stock/Bond/Index/Fundamental/Asset Class/Quotes - Sources.


Canadian stock exchanges


Exchange rates

Historical data


Investor education

The following sites promote individual financial education and empowerment.

  • Bylo Selhi - Smart Mutual Fund Investing for Independent Canadian Investors: The objectives of this website are to encourage you to take more responsibility for your financial future, to help you learn how to invest on your own, and hopefully to make at least a modest contribution to achieving your financial goals.
  • Shakespeare's Primer - A Primer for Canadian Do-It-Yourself Investors: The purpose of this web document is to serve as a primer for Canadian do-it-yourself (DIY) investors, particularly those needing retirement income, who wish to manage their own investment portfolio in a cost-effective manner.
  • gummy stuff ... about investing (mostly): Tutorials, spreadsheets and charts on Financial Stuff ... and the Math behind the Method (mostly). This is an archive of 15 years of Peter Ponzo's work, hosted by the Financial Wisdom Forum. Further discussion on the gummy-stuff, eh? forum topic.
  • Libra Investment Management: A fee-for-service financial planning firm which provides simple, effective, and inexpensive plans that can be executed by clients. Some clients become confident & successful DIY investors who never need us again; others, delegators paying for an occasional check up.
  • The Dividend Investing Resource Center: This site is for those who wish to learn about Dividend Reinvestment Programs (DRiPs) as well as those who wish to help others in this regard. It contains information specifically for the DRiPper, as well as a community of helpful participants. While US based, the site has significant Canadian content and participation.
  • PrefBlog: James Hymas' blog is entirely concerned with the Canadian Preferred Share marketplace. Daily news, analysis and indices from a buy-side professional.
  • Ellen Roseman: On Your Side: Ellen Roseman writes in a way that everyone can understand about money, investing and consumer issues. In her Toronto Star columns, she tries to help people protest when they're treated badly or left high and dry by companies they thought they could trust.
  • the moneygardener: digging, planting, and pruning in the backyard of the stock market and personal finance
  • Canadian Financial DIY: Personal experiences, analysis and assessments of a mid-50s Canadian. I take a do-it-yourself approach, covering taxes, investing, ETFs, portfolio and asset allocation, insurance, annuities and related book reviews in Canada and the UK.


  • SEDAR - Search for Public Company Documents - SEDAR (the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval) is the system used for electronically filing most securities related information with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Filing with SEDAR started January 1, 1997, and is now mandatory for most reporting issuers in Canada.
  • System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI) - The System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI) is Canada's on-line, browser-based service for the filing and viewing of insider reports as required by various provincial securities rules and regulations. SEDI replaces paper-based reporting and provides for an efficient disclosure process.
