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Talk:Low beta investing

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki


Intro says "Although not formally a type of value investing, the stocks selected by this approach are more likely to be considered "value" rather than "growth"." But I'm comparing ZLB (low volatility) to ZCN (broad market), and the low-beta ETF has a lower dividend yield, and a higher P/B ratio. The Morningstar style box is 'Large core growth' for ZLB and 'Large core' for ZCN. So it seems that the low-beta ETF is slightly tilted towards a growth style compared to the broad market one, i.e. the opposite of what the intro says. --Quebec 06:06, 19 January 2016 (MST)

I've dealt with this in a new section, 'Explanations and risk factors'. Introduction does not mention value or growth anymore.--Quebec 07:29, 19 January 2016 (MST)
Many of the articles in Category:Investment styles date from the beginning of finiki and haven't been particularly well developed and maintained. Some possible ideas to help update the articles: check with whomever originally developed the article, most still post on FWF (phone a friend); search FWF posts to determine if there is any consensus or helpful information; or pose a question on FWF about the article and how to improve it (ask the audience). --Peculiar Investor 07:58, 19 January 2016 (MST)