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Talk:Periodic table of annual returns

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

Asset classes legend needed

I left an empty section which I think should be filled in with descriptions of each of the represented asset classes. How does a reader know what L. Bond or RRB represent? Also offers a chance to link in other wiki articles, such as RBB. --Peculiar Investor 20:46, 12 January 2015 (MST)

Done. Although default sort order isn't correct --Peculiar Investor 05:04, 13 January 2015 (MST)

Attribution to sources missing

According to the Libra Investment Management Excel spreadsheet, "Copyright © Libra Investment Management Inc. 2005-2015. All rights reserved. Data herein may be reproduced only with attribution to the copyright holder and its sources.". The article references the copyright holder but not the sources. An example that might be followed is Stingy Investor: Periodic Table of Annual Returns for Canadians.--Peculiar Investor 21:32, 12 January 2015 (MST)

Educate me on formatting choices and some other questions/feedback

First a wikitext technical question, I'm curious about the choice to put the image inside a wikitable structure, what is the advantage? Now some content feedback/questions. The Wilshire 5000 this is probably the least well known index for Canadians so why is it chosen to illustrate variations of return? There are a couple of places where I'd question whether the article presents a neutral point of view. In particular, "A periodic table is the best way to visualize" (my bold). Best is very subjective, particularly when combined with visualize. Change best to one of helpful/useful/effective seems a bit more neutral to me. Is the use of {{Notice}} necessary? The article is short enough that the information could be conveyed within the article text and some of the elements of the notice are not even addressed in the article, such as revision to the mean. Lastly, I'm concerned with the first reference, citing another periodic table of returns to support a statement of importance of diversity seems circular. --Peculiar Investor 20:24, 13 January 2015 (MST)