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Template:Academic papers/doc

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

Use the following format for this template.

{{academic papers|academic papers= subject|state="expanded"}}


academic papers =
subject: The citations for the template
state = [autocollapse, collapsed, expanded, plain, off]
  • Defaults to autocollapse. A navbox with autocollapse will start out collapsed if there are two or more collapsible elements on the same page. Otherwise, the navbox will be expanded. For the technically minded, see MediaWiki:Common.js (search for "autocollapse").
  • If set to collapsed, the navbox will always start out in a collapsed state.
  • If set to expanded, the navbox will always start out in an expanded state.
  • If set to plain, the navbox will always be expanded with no [hide] link on the right, and the title will remain centered (by using padding to offset the V • T • E links).

Below is the same as state="autocollapse"

{{academic papers|academic papers= subject|}}

Refer to Help:Collapsing.

The show/hide button on the right will expand / collapse the table.