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Template:Editors available

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

There are two different editors available. The WikiEditor (also known as the Source Editor) and the VisualEditor.

To choose which one to use you will need to log in to your finiki account, go to preferences (top right) -> editing tab, uncheck Temporarily disable the visual editor while it is in beta, optionally change Editing mode to Show me both editor tabs, and save your preferences.

The following introduction (links take you to Wikipedia articles) shows the main differences between the choice of editors.

The wiki markup source editor shows the underlying page source code. It works like a plain text file, indicating links and other items using simple code like this: [[Earth]]. VisualEditor is the easier way of editing that works more like a word processor and hides the underlying source code. Links and other items are edited using toolbar and pop-up interfaces.
Editing Editing
Referencing Referencing
Images Images
Tables Tables