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User talk:Koogie/GICs for small businesses

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

My first attempt and I am sure it is rubbish. Please feel free to change. I should note that I ripped off some of the general text about GICs from the main finiki GIC section and included ideas from posters other than myself from the FWF thread where this originated. If that is not allowed or should be footnoted or whatever, I apologize in advance.

It's not rubbish. You are certainly allowed to rip-off content from other sections, everything is public domain license. Using ideas from posters in the FWF is absolutely allowed - encouraged, in fact.
Remember that finiki is a reference source. As long as you properly attribute the content that's not yours (say where you got it from), everything is fair game.
What's the link to the FWF thread? Another editor (like me) can take care of the formatting.
In discussion pages (like this one), it's customary to add your signature at the end of the post. Use the pencil icon in the editor's toolbar (3rd from the left). It looks like this: --~~~~ and turns into a signature when you preview or save the page. --LadyGeek 15:29, 19 December 2014 (MST)
Another editor did take care of some formatting and left some for Koogie to finish up. --Peculiar Investor 15:44, 19 December 2014 (MST)

Koogie - Content is more important than formatting. If you get stuck, put in what you want to say and then ask for help. Don't get frustrated; it takes time to learn how to do this. We're more than happy to help. --LadyGeek 17:38, 19 December 2014 (MST)

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