finiki:Interface manual
The MediaWiki interface is the entirety of the output HTML code of a wiki page except the body text itself. The interface includes the tabs above each page, the sidebar, and personal links.
Customizing the interface
Depending on one's requirements and programming expertise, there are several customization techniques available:
- System messages – Most look and feel customizations can be done by modifying system messages using the Special:AllMessages page. Editing interface messages is typically straightforward, just like editing a normal wiki page. These messages set defaults for various parts of the user interface and contain a combination of plain text, wiki markup, CSS and JavaScript. For details, see the documentation of the individual messages.
- Skins – Fundamental changes to the layout of the interface may require attaching functions to one or more skin hooks and/or the creation of a custom skin. For more information, please see Manual:Skins.
- /JavaScript – improve browser behavior using some scripts. Includes a list of JavaScript variables.
- /Stylesheets – improve layout and design using CSS.
- /IDs and classes – a list of common CSS IDs and classes.
Wikipedia's look and feel
This wiki has been designed and implemented to utilize Wikipedia's look and feel wherever practical and possible. The implementation uses a number of Wikipedia's stylesheets and JavaScript. Specifically these include:
- MediaWiki:Common.css (and MediaWiki:Common.js) - all skins and all the users, except for the MobileFrontend
- MediaWiki:skinname.css (and MediaWiki:skinname.js) - per skin, for example MediaWiki:Vector-2022.css, MediaWiki:Vector.css
- User group CSS and JavaScript - per user group, for example MediaWiki:Group-user.css, MediaWiki:Group-user.js
- MediaWiki:Print.css - for "printable versions" of pages
- MediaWiki:Mobile.css (and MediaWiki:Mobile.js) - for Mobile themes, used with Extension:MobileFrontend