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finiki:Main page content policy

From finiki, the Canadian financial wiki

The Main Page is finiki's homepage, our first point of contact, particularly for newcomers that are not visiting via a link from somewhere else. One would expect that it would entice readers to explore finiki and grab their attention. But ...

There doesn't appear to be any documented guidelines (policies?) on the content of finiki's Main Page. More specifically, the page Portal:Main_Page/Categories contains the major financial categories and a selection of articles from each category. Yet there doesn't appear to be any rhyme nor reason on which articles are selected. As an example, compare what's included with Popular pages. A number of Top 10 pages aren't listed do not get shown on the Main Page. Should they be? At least one article has been tagged for significant maintenance, does that mean it should be removed? If so, what replaces it?

finiki is a collaborative effort, the design and content of the Main Page should reflect the consensus of finiki's editors. So here's your chance, let's develop this page to provide rules of the road to what gets put up on the Main Page, starting with the articles transcluded through Portal:Main_Page/Categories.

BTW, you might want to read Wikipedia:FAQ/Main Page for information on how they've dealt with the problem. This FAQ section is also insightful.